In the early 1980s service marketing emerged as a separate field of study side by side with the development of ITIL. But for some reason the two never met. While service marketing focused on the consumer’s role in the service consumption processes and especially the encounter between the consumer and the service, ITIL was focusing on service provision and the service provider’s processes and practices. However, it is never too late to catch up.
Date and time: 24.05.2022 17:30
Place: webinar
Language: English
Webinar available: for members and non-members of itSMF, ISACA, and AKB
With the ITIL 4 Drive Stakeholder Value publication the two finally met and sweet music filled the heart. The publication combines the best of both worlds and provides practical guidance on how to co-create value through close engagement. Explore the customer journey step by step and get practical advise on how to:
– Understand value propositions
– Foster relationships and engage with stakeholders
– Shape demand and design service offerings
– Align and agree on expectations
– Onboard customers and users
– Co-create service experiences, and
– Realize value
Also, engage in the discussion about to which degree these insights are relevant to internal IT organizations and how they relate to a decade where product orientation is king.