We’ll be hosting a conversation about “Establishing Internal Service Level Agreements” and what so many internal IT organizations shy away from them. The objective of the conversation is to help the participants understand the benefits of Service Level Agreements, things that are needed to establish them, and things to avoid.

Place: Zoom webinar
Language: English
Webinar available: free to members of itSMF
Mark Galligan is and has been an IT Service Management Practitioner for nearly 20 years. He has held Technical, Analyst, Consultant, Management, and Leadership positions in some of the World’s most respected companies for over 3 Decades. Currently, he is the owner of a small consultancy called Simplicate-IT. Mark has been “hands on” and “responsible for” the management of both Incident type work and the fulfillment of Request type work.
Topics up for the discussion include:
- Why some internal IT organizations shay away from establishing internal Service Level Agreements (SLA’s).
- Differences between Service Level Agreements and Performance Objectives
- Unspoken service expectations, how they’re difficult to meet, and how they tarnish your IT Department’s reputation
- Starting the conversation and establishing an internal SLA’s with stakeholders
- Should an SLA be set at 100% attainment?
- Should the SLA timer ever be stopped?
- Calendar and Business Calendar
- Service Levels for Incident Management
- Service Level for Request Management
- Defining states in your Incident and Request processes
- Defining states in ITSM tools
- Capturing SLA states at the time of SLA expiration
- Noting dependencies on information or assistance from Employees (the customer), vendors, and Change activities
- Reporting to management and stakeholders