This new exclusive TECH TALK Webinar is fully organized by itSMF Switzerland and will be hosted on the zoho Meeting platform.

Date and time: 30.1.2025, 15:00 – 17:00
Form: webinar
Language: english
Available for: itSMF members only
Webinar start with some questions we will go to answer, after 25 years of ITSM processes implementation and use in organizations so that:
- what can we do with all the data gathered through ITSM tools?
- how can we optimize the ITSM processes by exploiting these data?
- what are other benefits that we can expect from that approach?
Process mining is THE answer! We will dive deep into the process mining topic relying on three experts and cutting edge companies in their field.
- 15:00 Welcome and Introduction. By David Billouz (ITSM expert and itSMF-CH board member)
- 15:10 Greetings from itSMF Switzerland. By Andrea Cherubini (GRCS expert and itSMF-CH chairman)
- 15:15 Why, from an ITSM point of view, we need to do it? By John Cullom (Northcraft Analytics)
- 15:45 What to do? The approaches to process mining. By Davide Granata (Deloitte)
- 16:15 How to do it into a tool? By Franck Jaffré (ServiceNow)
- 16:45 Q&A and webinar closure
- John Cullom, CEO at Northcraft Analytics
- Davide Granata, Manager at Deloitte
- Franck Jaffré, Advisory Solution Consultant at ServiceNow